Project Management Institute - Earning PDUs "Work as a Practitioner"

As you know in order to keep the PMP certification at the end of the three years cycle, you need to achieve a certain number of PDUs (Professional Development Unit).
Those PDUs needs to be inserted in the PMI CCRS system
Maintaining the PMP certification requires a minimum of 35 Education PDUs and a maximum of 25 "Giving back" PDUs.
"Education" regard learning activities that allow you to broaden your knowledge in one of the PMI Talent Triangle skill areas: Technical, Leadership, or Strategic and Business Management.
"Giving Back" regard activities that enable you to share and apply your knowledge and skills as a means to contribute to and help build the profession.

So you can earn Education PDUs with studying and Giving Back PDUs spreading project management knowledge to the world.
In this article I would like to clarify a question regarding the sub-category "Working as a practitioner" of the Giving Back category (see picture).


As the PMI help reports "The number of PDUs claimed once per cycle should be generally equivalent to the amount of time you were actively working within the profession. For example:
- If you were actively working within the profession for the entire 3 years of your certification cycle, the maximum allowable PDU value can be claimed (8 for PMP, PgMP, PfMP, and PMI-PBA; 4 for PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP)
- If you were actively working within the profession for half of your certification cycle, half of the maximum allowable PDU value can be claimed (4 for PMP, PgMP, PfMP, and PMI-PBA; 2 for PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP)".

So let me give me you a clear picture of the situation:
1) PDUs for "Work as a practitioner" can be entered a maximum of once per renewal cycle (i.e., three years); there used to be an annual limit but that has now been removed.
2) The PDUs can be a maximum of 8 per cycle and must be entered once and only once per cycle (one claim per cycle!)
3) It is advisable to report claim towards the end of the cycle so if you workedfor more than half of the cycle you can obtain the maximum PDUs (8). If you worked less than half of the period you can still obtain 4 PDUs.

Well, it is not mandatory to claim Giving Back PDUs, but it is very important making experience as PM working as a practitioner.Practicing is the best way to apply and improve the learned PMI concepts and learn on the field what read on the PMBOK guide.